Saturday, February 27, 2010


I dont get much time to do crafts or I would do more but here are a few I have
accomplished in the last little while...

framed hairbow holder

raingutter bookshelves...Super easy and efficient

name blocks for my Best Friends Birthday


Holly Hoffman Spears said...

i love them! i love how you put fabric or whatever in the back of the hairbow holder. i should do that on mine. and those bookshelves are so smart! i see ones like that in catalogs a lot, but i'm sure yours are much more affordable. and the name blocks... love! i want some. too bad i don't have any more room in my house. :)

and i love how cyrus writes his name. so cute! :)

Anonymous said...

How did you make the raingutter bookshelves? Those are a wonderful idea!